Organics and Organic Ingredients
What is Organics?
Our definition of "organics" implies feeding crops by using only naturally occurring plant food. Along with that implication also assumes no use of chemicals of any kind, including chemical pesticides and fungicides and/or similar chemically based compounds. There are numerous ways of delivering organic plant food to the plant’s root system including;
mixing it into one's growing medium mix;
feeding the plant medium anaerobic and aerobic brewed tea using various recipes; and
top feeding the plant medium by spreading the organic feed around the base of the plant so that small amounts leach into the soil medium every time the plant is watered.
Why Organics?
So we know organics means "no to any chemicals"; and that is the main benefit. Using only naturally occurring plant food implies that it is not only sustainable and easy, but also many will argue that organically grown produce is healthier.
Nature provides us with every element needed to grow and feed our plants. Mother nature also provides plenty of elements like sabadilla derived from the seeds of the sabadilla lily, or pyrethrum from the chrysanthemum to act as natural pesticides. Most of the time you can avoid the use of insecticides by making repellent sprays using less invasive ingredients like peppermint, rosemary, garlic and tobacco. That is just a few examples of the hundreds of elements produced by nature to serve our needs.
Making the choice to eat and use only organically grown foods and other organic products help reduce our dependency on synthetic chemical products that do harm to local eco-systems and long term damage to the planet.
1. Alfalfa
Perfect for vegetable gardens; alfalfa has it all; it is well balanced fertilizer complete with numerous micro nutrients.
NPK vary but on average are 2-1-2. More importantly alfalfa contains many other beneficial compounds, the most noteworthy being Triacontanol which is a growth stimulant and accelerator. In addition to that alfalfa is loaded with vitamins, folic acid and other beneficial elements. Alfalfa can be tilled into the ground in the fall in preparation for the next growing season, or brewed into an anaerobic or aerobic tea which accelerates the breakdown process.
2. Worm Castings or Black Gold Compost
Another perfect organic fertilizer. Worm castings and "black gold" compost are so mild you could grow directly in it as a medium. So you simply cannot over feed using it.
Applications usually include it as a major component of organic soil mixes. You can use it for making tea or directly sprinkle on top of the soil. NPK is about 1-0-0.
Guano is the excrement of bats and birds.Guano is rich in bioremediation microbes, which help clean up toxic substances.
It will act as a purifier in areas in transition from chemical to organic practices. The NPK of the guano is largely controlled by the animals' diet.
Mexican Desert Bat Guano
Mexican desert bats feed on insects. This leads to a guano that is very rich in nitrogen, making it the perfect supplement for vegetative plants or cycles.
Jamaican and Indonesian Bat Guano
Bat Guano Jamaican and Indonesian bats primarily eat fruit resulting in a guano rich in phosphorus. This makes it the perfect supplement for fruit bearing plants.
Seabird Guano
Seabirds eat fish and other sea life which makes their guano rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
4. Kelp Meal
Fresh cut kelp meal. Sun dried, cleaned, desalted and pulverized. Rich natural organic source of potash, one of the best, all-natural, trace mineral sources (more than 70 minerals), plant growth regulators, vitamins, hormones, and enzymes.
Excellent soil additive which stimulates microbial activity and provides a strong supply of naturally chelated nutrients.
5. Fish Meal
Fish meal is a balanced complete fertilizer. Commonly made out of ground up carp and catfish.
Fish meal contains approximately 8-10% N, 1-3% P, 1-2% K (average analysis as it fluctuates from batch to batch) and all the trace minerals needed for vigorous plant growth. Great for nutrient tea, or mixing directly in with your soil mixture.
6. Azomite
AZOMITE® trace minerals have been reported to improve root systems, yields and general plant vigor in a variety of field crops and garden vegetables.
Available for a variety of applications, AZOMITE® can be used to re-mineralize nutrient-depleted soils and is OMRI Listed for certified organic production.
AZOMITE® is a natural product mined from an ancient mineral deposit in Utah (USA) that typically contains a broad spectrum of over 70 minerals and trace elements, distinct from any mineral deposit in the world. AZOMITE® is used internationally as a feed additive and a soil "re-mineralizer" for plants, and is available in over sixty countries throughout the world.
7. Gypsum
Gypsum is hydrated calcium sulfate (CaSO4 2H2O), and is used as a soil conditioner for improving soil tilth. Compared to most other calcium-rich soil amendments, such as limestone, gypsum is relatively soluble in water, dissolving up to 2 g per liter.
The solubility of gypsum, when either incorporated or surface applied, permits a quick release of calcium (Ca2+) and sulfate (SO42-) ions into the soil solution. The supply of dissolved salt and Ca2+ ions, in particular, may reduce soil crusting and otherwise benefit soil structure. The aggregation of clay particles that help to form and stabilize soil structure is clearly enhanced by the presence of calcium on clay exchange sites.
8. Bone Meal
Steamed Bone Meal is an organic fertilizer and is the secret ingredient of flower gardeners and contains calcium, which creates strong cellular development in plants.
For healthy plant growth and spectacular flowers, supplement your regular feeding program with Steamed Bone Meal. Over 20 species of beneficial microbes to help convert fertilizers into vital plant food and fight off disease.
9. Tennessee Brown Rock Phosphate
The premier Phosphate in the US today.
It is the cleanest, least costly and highest available phosphate of any working deposit.
10. Jersey Green Sand
Mined from ancient marine deposits from when New Jersey was a shallow ocean.
Today these multi-million year old sea minerals provide an excellent source of "timed release" minerals with an average NPK of 0-0-3. Contains good trace amounts of nitrogen.
11. Blood Meal
Blood Meal is an all natural organic and safe source of Nitrogen. Blood Meal promotes rapid growth and deep, dark green color, and is an ideal supplement for all annuals, perennials and leafy herbs. Naturally produces more vigorous plants with richer, greener leaves.
Blood meal tends to be a little on the “hot” side; i.e. is readily absorbable and fairly concentrated. Best to use less more often as a large dose can adversely effect the plants. Used correctly it is a time proven remedy for sickly plants.