Cannabis Propagation
Seed Germination Techniques
There are many ways to germinate seeds. My preference with fresh viable seeds is to place them directly into a mild soil mix. This is done by making a small indentation in the dirt and covering the seed with no more than 1/4" of mix. Use a pressure sprayer (on mist setting) to water down the soil blend so that minimal displacement occurs; if you use a spigot or a watering can it may uncover the seeds or bury them too deep.
If you are unsure as to the viability you can initiate germination in wet cotton wool or paper towel. Check on them every day and never let the seeds dry out once they have been soaked.
You can use a small Tupperware container to keep the moisture contained. Once the seeds have sprouted they should be immediately and very carefully (they are extremely fragile in this state) transferred to a starter planter with a mild soil blend.